ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: An archive photograph of Afrikaner schoolchildren from the conservative Afrikaner CVO School in traditional "Volkspeel" clothing at a cultural day, July 18, 2010. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Farm labor workers from neighboring farms stop at Orania's supermarket to buy groceries on a regular basis. The mural behind them depicts the great trek of the 1800's, when most of the Afrikaner nation trekked north in Ox wagons to get away from the oppression of the British in the Cape. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A young woman who is visiting her parents in Orania is seen open carrying her gun at a campsite close to the Orange River in Orania. Hailed as a safe place for whites in crime-ridden South Africa, Orania is one of the few places in SA where you can see children playing outside without supervision, walking on town streets and people tell you you don't have to lock your doors. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key drive
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Doornbult is a former British concentration camp for Afrikaner women and children during the Boer war. The British burnt Boer farms and imprisoned their wives and children as part of a scorched earth policy. The Afrikaner nation lost 15% of its people to the war and it had a fundamental effect on the Afrikaner psyche. After the war the Afrikaner nation was devastated and without resources and identity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Se
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: BIanca Grobler, 16, answers her phone while standing amongst a monument to Afrikaner heros on the highest hill in Orania while on a run with her dog. Bianca was born in England to an Afrikaner father and a Polish mother. They moved back to SA and to Orania 5 years ago. Bianca's father Johann runs a construction business and he sites safety and busienss opportunity as his motivation for moving his family to the town, despite having a UK and Canadian option. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that w
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: Dr Carel Boshoff, the deceased 1990 founder of Orania, and the Pastor of the Orania Dutch Reformed Church. Dr Carel Boshoff was a direct descendant of Hendrick Verwoerd, the so-called Architect of Apartheid. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Niklas Kirsten, a former South African Army Paratrooper, teaches Erik Du Pree hand-gun self-defence in the fields outside Orania, South Africa , July 18 2010. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both have grown enormously over the the la
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Member of Orania's security service practise at a shooting range. The town is virtually crime free and is one of the safest places statisically in South Africa,. Town officials have conducted significant hearts and minds campaigns with surrounding towns and South African police and there are good relations. The Security service spend more time assisting on fires and car accidents than anything else. They have 4 full time employess and over 90 volunteers that ensure the town is surveiled and safe at all times. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orani
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: The traumatised Potgieter family who have just moved to Oraina stand with a portrait of Marius Potgieter, 32, who was shot dead in a burglary in Pretoria last year, Orania, South Africa, July 18 2010. In the picture Susan and Peet Potgieter stand with their grand-daughters Genevieve and Zelda who hold a picture of their slain father. Crime statistics in South Africa are the highest in the world, with murder statistics rivalled only by Columbia. The security and common value system of a place like Orania has seen a steady stream of families like the Potgieters who desire a more secure place to live and raise their children. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been furthe
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A young couple relax while fishing at the Orange river on a Sunday, a religious day of rest in the town. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Ronald Bain is a pastor at a conservative church within Orania. He has been there for 3 years and says taking the job was not an easy decision. He has black pastor friends and he discussed the move with them in an effort to foster mutual understanding. Ronald believes strongly in the Afrikaner nation and he sees himself as being of service to that nation. "I don't believe in race, it's against the bible." He is seen doing his morning bible study in his study at home. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner ident
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Herman is a young deacon at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church, he is seen here in his church attire on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Pastor Andre Boshoff, the leader of the Afrikaaner Protestant Church, an ultra-conservative breakway of the Dutch Reformed Church, Orania, South Africa, 18 July 2010. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both have grown enormously over th
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Gabrielle Van Der Berg is a horse trainer and riding teacher in Orania. Gabrielle fell from a horse and sustained brain damage when he was a boy. He is one of a number of mentally handicapped people the town embraces and accommodates. The schools have a strategy for children with autism and other forms of neurodiversity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Doornbult is a former British concentration camp for Afrikaner women and children during the Boer war. The British burnt Boer farms and imprisoned their wives and children as part of a scorched earth policy. The Afrikaner nation lost 15% of its people to the war and it had a fundamental effect on the Afrikaner psyche. After the war the Afrikaner nation was devastated and without resources and identity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Se
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A painting of the Great Trek, the epic exodus of Afrikaners from the Cape into the interior as they moved away from British oppression. It is seen inside a museum dedicated to Carel Boshoff, the founder of Orania. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: White men work on building a house at one of many construction sites within Orania. The consturction foreman said "Everytime we start a house and lay the concrete foundation, I get goose bumps knowing that we are buidling another safe place for a new family to come to Orania." All labor inside Orania is done by whites, a means of empowering and employing disadvantaged whites and also bringing solidarity to the community and security. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people wit
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Four young men work on a car in the nearest town of Hopetown, three of them rent accommodation here and Francois, in the blue jacket, rents in Orania. They all came to Orania because access to work is good in the developing town and bad in most of the rest of South Africa. Orania has a dsocial demographic that includes very poor Afrikaners and it is these Afrikaners who do most of the manual labor in the town. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African contine
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Riaan Jacobs is the energy manager of Orania, he is seen amongst the town's growing solar fields, their response to South Africa's electricity crisis. The town is currently 30% self-reliant and there is a big push towards complete energy independence. This is something the town views as crucial to business and to their self-determination policy. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: White men work on building a large, luxurious house, all labor inside Orania is done by whites, a means of empowering and employing disadvantaged whites and also bringing solidarity to the community and security. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Linus is a taxidermist based in Orania, he moved from Natal to the town because employment prospects were much higher in the region and because of the Afrikaner value systems. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: C.F du Plessis is an under 19 rugby player seen at trials for the Orania teams. Sport in Orania involves no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Rugby trials for the Orania teams involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Young students learn the bible in a religious studies class. The old South African flag can be seen hanging in the classroom behind the students. Orania has 4 schools and has a boarding school for farmers children from outside. The schools are entirely subsized by the town and by a farmer community outside. Their sylabis emphasizes Afrikaner history and has a religous component. They have a 100% pass rate. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent.
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Scenes of students at the conservative Afrikaner CVO school in Orania, July 18 2010. The CVO school has a strictly Afrikaans curriculum with a strong emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both ha
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Scenes of students at the conservative Afrikaner CVO school in Orania, July 18 2010. The CVO school has a strictly Afrikaans curriculum with a strong emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both ha
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Schoolchildren from the Afrikaner Orania CVO school enact a play from the Boer war which tells the story of the heroic actions of an Afrikaner boy in the face of British brutality during the time of the Boer War, Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. The scars of the Boer war and the million Afrikaner lives lost therein still run deep in the veins of traditional Afrikaner today. The Boer wars were very much a foundation for the thinking behind Apartheid and they continue to be an influence on conservative Afrikaner thinking on self determination today. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orani
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Carel Boshoff is the son of the founder of Orania, Carel Boshoff snr, an important man in the conservative Afrikaner world. Carel is an academic, an author, philosopher and custodian of Afrikaner history in the town. He is also the Executive Officer of the Freedom Foundation, a body he sees as a modern incarnation of SABRA, the former South African Burea for Race Relations. "Orania is the answer to Afrikaner disempowerment under the new regime. South Africa is crumbling, you need a coherent ideaology as Rainbowism is failing." Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their succes
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Hannes Du Pree, a successful financial consultant and resident of Orania, teaches his son Erik Du Pree hunting techniques in the bushveldt outside Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. Hunting is very much a part of Afrikaner tradition and part of the rites of passage between a father and son. Du Pree moved his family to Orania four years previously and feels that the steady, ongoing decline of security and white opportunity in South Africa today has justified his decision. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afri
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Children jump on a trampoline close to the Orange River in /Orania. Hailed as a safe place for whites in crime-ridden South Africa, Orania is one of the few places in SA where you can see children playing outside without supervision, walking on town streets and people tell you you don't have to lock your doors. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny.
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A teenager spend time by himself on a hill overlooking Orania with the town flag flying behind. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A photograph and bust of Hendrik Verwoed, the so-called architect of Apartheid and former Prime Minister of South Africa. This is one of many inside the Verwoerd museum in Orania. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Sunday morning scenes from the Afrikaner Protestant Church, APK, in Orania, South Africa, July 19, 2010. The APK church is a more conservative offshoot of the tradtional Afrikaner Church, the Dutch Reformed Church. It was established as result of dis-satisfaction by the more conservative elements of the church with how the Dutch Reformed Church was seen to be changing core values in the new South Africa. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and relig
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Scenes at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A bible study group meets in the evening at the conservative Afrikaner Protestente Kerk church in Orania. They practise hymns they will sing to the community and study the bible. On this night they disected the 7th day Adventists in an attempt to understand other religions and confirm the validity of their own. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny.
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Andre Coetzee and his family at daily prayer around the family table in Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. Coetzee is a member of the ultra conservative "Verbontenes Volk Church" and has strongly held beliefs on the place of the Afrikaner in South African society. He and his wife have built a successful hotel and spa business in Orania from the ground up and express a strong desire to be in charge of their own destiny. They claim they are not racists but simply wish to live in a community which expresses their own value systems of religious conservatism and Afrikaner tradition. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province, July 18, 2010. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence o
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Scenes at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)

ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: An archive photograph of Afrikaner schoolchildren from the conservative Afrikaner CVO School in traditional "Volkspeel" clothing at a cultural day, July 18, 2010. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Farm labor workers from neighboring farms stop at Orania's supermarket to buy groceries on a regular basis. The mural behind them depicts the great trek of the 1800's, when most of the Afrikaner nation trekked north in Ox wagons to get away from the oppression of the British in the Cape. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A young woman who is visiting her parents in Orania is seen open carrying her gun at a campsite close to the Orange River in Orania. Hailed as a safe place for whites in crime-ridden South Africa, Orania is one of the few places in SA where you can see children playing outside without supervision, walking on town streets and people tell you you don't have to lock your doors. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key drive
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Doornbult is a former British concentration camp for Afrikaner women and children during the Boer war. The British burnt Boer farms and imprisoned their wives and children as part of a scorched earth policy. The Afrikaner nation lost 15% of its people to the war and it had a fundamental effect on the Afrikaner psyche. After the war the Afrikaner nation was devastated and without resources and identity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Se
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: BIanca Grobler, 16, answers her phone while standing amongst a monument to Afrikaner heros on the highest hill in Orania while on a run with her dog. Bianca was born in England to an Afrikaner father and a Polish mother. They moved back to SA and to Orania 5 years ago. Bianca's father Johann runs a construction business and he sites safety and busienss opportunity as his motivation for moving his family to the town, despite having a UK and Canadian option. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that w
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: Dr Carel Boshoff, the deceased 1990 founder of Orania, and the Pastor of the Orania Dutch Reformed Church. Dr Carel Boshoff was a direct descendant of Hendrick Verwoerd, the so-called Architect of Apartheid. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Niklas Kirsten, a former South African Army Paratrooper, teaches Erik Du Pree hand-gun self-defence in the fields outside Orania, South Africa , July 18 2010. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both have grown enormously over the the la
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Member of Orania's security service practise at a shooting range. The town is virtually crime free and is one of the safest places statisically in South Africa,. Town officials have conducted significant hearts and minds campaigns with surrounding towns and South African police and there are good relations. The Security service spend more time assisting on fires and car accidents than anything else. They have 4 full time employess and over 90 volunteers that ensure the town is surveiled and safe at all times. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orani
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: The traumatised Potgieter family who have just moved to Oraina stand with a portrait of Marius Potgieter, 32, who was shot dead in a burglary in Pretoria last year, Orania, South Africa, July 18 2010. In the picture Susan and Peet Potgieter stand with their grand-daughters Genevieve and Zelda who hold a picture of their slain father. Crime statistics in South Africa are the highest in the world, with murder statistics rivalled only by Columbia. The security and common value system of a place like Orania has seen a steady stream of families like the Potgieters who desire a more secure place to live and raise their children. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been furthe
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A young couple relax while fishing at the Orange river on a Sunday, a religious day of rest in the town. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Ronald Bain is a pastor at a conservative church within Orania. He has been there for 3 years and says taking the job was not an easy decision. He has black pastor friends and he discussed the move with them in an effort to foster mutual understanding. Ronald believes strongly in the Afrikaner nation and he sees himself as being of service to that nation. "I don't believe in race, it's against the bible." He is seen doing his morning bible study in his study at home. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner ident
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Herman is a young deacon at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church, he is seen here in his church attire on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Pastor Andre Boshoff, the leader of the Afrikaaner Protestant Church, an ultra-conservative breakway of the Dutch Reformed Church, Orania, South Africa, 18 July 2010. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both have grown enormously over th
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Gabrielle Van Der Berg is a horse trainer and riding teacher in Orania. Gabrielle fell from a horse and sustained brain damage when he was a boy. He is one of a number of mentally handicapped people the town embraces and accommodates. The schools have a strategy for children with autism and other forms of neurodiversity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Doornbult is a former British concentration camp for Afrikaner women and children during the Boer war. The British burnt Boer farms and imprisoned their wives and children as part of a scorched earth policy. The Afrikaner nation lost 15% of its people to the war and it had a fundamental effect on the Afrikaner psyche. After the war the Afrikaner nation was devastated and without resources and identity. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Se
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A painting of the Great Trek, the epic exodus of Afrikaners from the Cape into the interior as they moved away from British oppression. It is seen inside a museum dedicated to Carel Boshoff, the founder of Orania. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: White men work on building a house at one of many construction sites within Orania. The consturction foreman said "Everytime we start a house and lay the concrete foundation, I get goose bumps knowing that we are buidling another safe place for a new family to come to Orania." All labor inside Orania is done by whites, a means of empowering and employing disadvantaged whites and also bringing solidarity to the community and security. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people wit
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Four young men work on a car in the nearest town of Hopetown, three of them rent accommodation here and Francois, in the blue jacket, rents in Orania. They all came to Orania because access to work is good in the developing town and bad in most of the rest of South Africa. Orania has a dsocial demographic that includes very poor Afrikaners and it is these Afrikaners who do most of the manual labor in the town. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African contine
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Riaan Jacobs is the energy manager of Orania, he is seen amongst the town's growing solar fields, their response to South Africa's electricity crisis. The town is currently 30% self-reliant and there is a big push towards complete energy independence. This is something the town views as crucial to business and to their self-determination policy. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: White men work on building a large, luxurious house, all labor inside Orania is done by whites, a means of empowering and employing disadvantaged whites and also bringing solidarity to the community and security. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Linus is a taxidermist based in Orania, he moved from Natal to the town because employment prospects were much higher in the region and because of the Afrikaner value systems. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: C.F du Plessis is an under 19 rugby player seen at trials for the Orania teams. Sport in Orania involves no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Rugby trials for the Orania teams involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Netball trials for girls in Orania involve no affirmative actions policies and only white players are allowed. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Young students learn the bible in a religious studies class. The old South African flag can be seen hanging in the classroom behind the students. Orania has 4 schools and has a boarding school for farmers children from outside. The schools are entirely subsized by the town and by a farmer community outside. Their sylabis emphasizes Afrikaner history and has a religous component. They have a 100% pass rate. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent.
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Scenes of students at the conservative Afrikaner CVO school in Orania, July 18 2010. The CVO school has a strictly Afrikaans curriculum with a strong emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both ha
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Scenes of students at the conservative Afrikaner CVO school in Orania, July 18 2010. The CVO school has a strictly Afrikaans curriculum with a strong emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and religion. The Volkskool uses a self driven teaching system which relies on self-motivation by students and the CVO Skool runs along more conventional lines. Neither school receives any assistance by government but both ha
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Schoolchildren from the Afrikaner Orania CVO school enact a play from the Boer war which tells the story of the heroic actions of an Afrikaner boy in the face of British brutality during the time of the Boer War, Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. The scars of the Boer war and the million Afrikaner lives lost therein still run deep in the veins of traditional Afrikaner today. The Boer wars were very much a foundation for the thinking behind Apartheid and they continue to be an influence on conservative Afrikaner thinking on self determination today. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orani
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Carel Boshoff is the son of the founder of Orania, Carel Boshoff snr, an important man in the conservative Afrikaner world. Carel is an academic, an author, philosopher and custodian of Afrikaner history in the town. He is also the Executive Officer of the Freedom Foundation, a body he sees as a modern incarnation of SABRA, the former South African Burea for Race Relations. "Orania is the answer to Afrikaner disempowerment under the new regime. South Africa is crumbling, you need a coherent ideaology as Rainbowism is failing." Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their succes
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Hannes Du Pree, a successful financial consultant and resident of Orania, teaches his son Erik Du Pree hunting techniques in the bushveldt outside Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. Hunting is very much a part of Afrikaner tradition and part of the rites of passage between a father and son. Du Pree moved his family to Orania four years previously and feels that the steady, ongoing decline of security and white opportunity in South Africa today has justified his decision. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afri
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Children jump on a trampoline close to the Orange River in /Orania. Hailed as a safe place for whites in crime-ridden South Africa, Orania is one of the few places in SA where you can see children playing outside without supervision, walking on town streets and people tell you you don't have to lock your doors. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny.
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A teenager spend time by himself on a hill overlooking Orania with the town flag flying behind. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A photograph and bust of Hendrik Verwoed, the so-called architect of Apartheid and former Prime Minister of South Africa. This is one of many inside the Verwoerd museum in Orania. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Sunday morning scenes from the Afrikaner Protestant Church, APK, in Orania, South Africa, July 19, 2010. The APK church is a more conservative offshoot of the tradtional Afrikaner Church, the Dutch Reformed Church. It was established as result of dis-satisfaction by the more conservative elements of the church with how the Dutch Reformed Church was seen to be changing core values in the new South Africa. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence of two schools in Orania, the Volkskool Orania and the CVO Skool Orania, both of which expouse a conservative Christian Afrikaner curriculum with special emphasis on Afrikaner history and relig
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Scenes at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: A bible study group meets in the evening at the conservative Afrikaner Protestente Kerk church in Orania. They practise hymns they will sing to the community and study the bible. On this night they disected the 7th day Adventists in an attempt to understand other religions and confirm the validity of their own. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny.
ORANIA, NORTH WEST CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, JULY 2010: Andre Coetzee and his family at daily prayer around the family table in Orania, South Africa, July 18, 2010. Coetzee is a member of the ultra conservative "Verbontenes Volk Church" and has strongly held beliefs on the place of the Afrikaner in South African society. He and his wife have built a successful hotel and spa business in Orania from the ground up and express a strong desire to be in charge of their own destiny. They claim they are not racists but simply wish to live in a community which expresses their own value systems of religious conservatism and Afrikaner tradition. Orania is a privately owned South African town located along the Orange River in the Northern Cape Province, July 18, 2010. Orania is a former government workers village originally bought by a group of Afrikaners in 1991 from the South African government with the intention of creating a pure Afrikaner community which would function as a stronghold for conservative Afrikaner cultural and religious values. The community sees themselves as independant from the rest of South Africa with a goal of a self-determining Afrikaner homeland. All work in Orania is done by white Afrikaners. They do not see themselves as right wing, but are very concerned with their ultra conservative cultural and religious integrity and independence. They welcome anyone who shares those values and as a result are one hundred percent white in ethnicity. THere has been a steady rise in population numbers for Orania, due to ongoing disenfranchisement of white South Africans as a result of Black Empowerment policies of the ANC government as well as undiminished, traumatically high crime statistics which are driving whites to seek shelter in perceived safer communities such as Orania. There has also been a solid increase in the numbers of professional people moving to Orania in the face of the afore mentioned drivers. This has been further impacted by the existence o
ORANIA, NORTHERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA, 15th April 2023: Scenes at the conservative Afrikaanse Protestente Kerk church on a sunday morning. Orania is a town in the Northern Cape of South Africa that was wholly purchased and formed into a company in 1991 with the idea of it becoming a sustainable Afrikaner homeland where fundamental Afrikaner culture and religious values are practiced by all who live there. As a result, there are no black inhabitants although there are good relations with the surrounding black-run towns, police and municipalities. Orania has understandably earned many detractors as a result but also some following both within SA and outside. As South Africa has declined in terms of crime and unemployment, currently at a national 37%, Orania has grown at an average of 10-15% for the last 7 years. All labor inside Orania is done entirely by whites, creating employment for Afrikaners all across the social spectrum. All businesses are run entirely by whites who do business all over the country and abroad. All those who buy homes in Orania are really shares in the The solidarity of the community is anchored by conservative religious values, and forms a powerful block in the area. The founders feared that for the Afrikaner to survive in post-Apartheid South Africa, it would be necessary to concentrate demographically. Their territory has consistenly expanded and although still small, they have become influential enough to even attract the attention of failing black municipalities who seek to understand their success. The idea of Orania is grounded in the unique Afrikaner identity that was born as a people within the African continent. Self-determination is a key driver in the idea of Orania to be responsible for their own destiny. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Le Figaro Magazine)