VARANASSI, INDIA, 2 OCTOBER 2013: Kumkum Chowdhary, 12, plays by herself on the roof of a small donor hospital in Varanassi, India. Kumkum is a victim of severe burns from a gas fire. India has one of the highest incidents of severe burns per capita yet has very few proper burns units throughout the country. Kumkum was severely burned when a naive boy in her village asked to hold a candle while he tried to transfer gas from one canister to another. He promised Kumkum a sweet if she would help him. The resultant explosion burnt her over most of her body, the boy was uninjured and ran away. Kumkum has been in this condition for more than three years with only basic medical care. Her parents are poor people and they cannot afford the necessary travel let alone medical care she requires. This hospital in Varanassi is one of the very few the poor can access. It is based on the efforts of a single doctor, a plastic surgeon who has made it his priority to serve the poor who would otherwise never be able to access this kind of surgery. Kumkum will first have her hands repaired to offer some use and then her face and body will be attended to. It will require at least a year of surgeries and recovery before she will be able to lead a normal life. This recovery is not something she would ever be able to access without the help of this unique facility.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: VARANASSI, INDIA, 2 OCTOBER 2013: Kumkum Chowdhary, 13, poses on the roof of a small donor hospital in Varanassi, India. She is seen 10 months after she first underwent surgery to heal her terrible burns. This is one of the very few facilities in India to offer plastic surgery to the poor. Kumkum is a victim of severe burns from a gas fire. India has one of the highest incidents of severe burns per capita yet has very few hospital burns units throughout the country. Kumkum was severely burned when a naive boy in her village asked to hold a candle while he tried to transfer gas from one canister to another. He promised Kumkum a sweet if she would help him. The resultant explosion burnt her over most of her body, the boy was uninjured and ran away. Kumkum has been in this condition for more than three years with only basic medical care. Her parents are poor people and they cannot afford the necessary travel let alone medical care she requires. This hospital in Varanassi is one of the very few the poor can access. It is based on the efforts of a single doctor, a plastic surgeon who has made it his priority to serve the poor who would otherwise never be able to access this kind of surgery. It will require at least 5 years of succesive surgeries and recovery before she will be able to lead a normal life. This recovery is not something Kumkum would ever be able to access without the help of this unique facility.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
WEST BENGAL, INDIA, 15 SEPTEMBER 2014: Bharat Mallik, 7, is a boy who suffers from Cataract blindness and comes from a severely impoverished Bengali family in India. Bharat’s father is a drunk and his labourer mother struggles to make ends meet. As a result he has not been treated for his cataracts. A teacher network at school notified a local social worker and as a result of his efforts Bharat is scheduled for surgery as an Ashram hospital a few hours away. Most of these villagers are so poor that transport to a hospital is not possible. As a result many children go permanently blind when like Bharat, a simple operation can restore their sight. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh holds a burns camp for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh holds a burns camp for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)

VARANASSI, INDIA, 2 OCTOBER 2013: Kumkum Chowdhary, 12, plays by herself on the roof of a small donor hospital in Varanassi, India. Kumkum is a victim of severe burns from a gas fire. India has one of the highest incidents of severe burns per capita yet has very few proper burns units throughout the country. Kumkum was severely burned when a naive boy in her village asked to hold a candle while he tried to transfer gas from one canister to another. He promised Kumkum a sweet if she would help him. The resultant explosion burnt her over most of her body, the boy was uninjured and ran away. Kumkum has been in this condition for more than three years with only basic medical care. Her parents are poor people and they cannot afford the necessary travel let alone medical care she requires. This hospital in Varanassi is one of the very few the poor can access. It is based on the efforts of a single doctor, a plastic surgeon who has made it his priority to serve the poor who would otherwise never be able to access this kind of surgery. Kumkum will first have her hands repaired to offer some use and then her face and body will be attended to. It will require at least a year of surgeries and recovery before she will be able to lead a normal life. This recovery is not something she would ever be able to access without the help of this unique facility.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at one of the very few burns camp offering free plastic surgery to the poor, a tiny fraction of the estimated 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary funding for surgery. Huge numbers of people thus live lives of incredible, daily suffering without respite. India's poor has a heavy reliance on liquid fuels for cooking and light and this combined with its huge and dense population leads to the highest numbers of burn victims globally.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: VARANASSI, INDIA, 2 OCTOBER 2013: Kumkum Chowdhary, 13, poses on the roof of a small donor hospital in Varanassi, India. She is seen 10 months after she first underwent surgery to heal her terrible burns. This is one of the very few facilities in India to offer plastic surgery to the poor. Kumkum is a victim of severe burns from a gas fire. India has one of the highest incidents of severe burns per capita yet has very few hospital burns units throughout the country. Kumkum was severely burned when a naive boy in her village asked to hold a candle while he tried to transfer gas from one canister to another. He promised Kumkum a sweet if she would help him. The resultant explosion burnt her over most of her body, the boy was uninjured and ran away. Kumkum has been in this condition for more than three years with only basic medical care. Her parents are poor people and they cannot afford the necessary travel let alone medical care she requires. This hospital in Varanassi is one of the very few the poor can access. It is based on the efforts of a single doctor, a plastic surgeon who has made it his priority to serve the poor who would otherwise never be able to access this kind of surgery. It will require at least 5 years of succesive surgeries and recovery before she will be able to lead a normal life. This recovery is not something Kumkum would ever be able to access without the help of this unique facility.
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Burn victims seen at a burns camp held by renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
WEST BENGAL, INDIA, 15 SEPTEMBER 2014: Bharat Mallik, 7, is a boy who suffers from Cataract blindness and comes from a severely impoverished Bengali family in India. Bharat’s father is a drunk and his labourer mother struggles to make ends meet. As a result he has not been treated for his cataracts. A teacher network at school notified a local social worker and as a result of his efforts Bharat is scheduled for surgery as an Ashram hospital a few hours away. Most of these villagers are so poor that transport to a hospital is not possible. As a result many children go permanently blind when like Bharat, a simple operation can restore their sight. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
MUZZAFARPUR, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Ragini Kumari, 10, was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh holds a burns camp for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 5 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh holds a burns camp for some of the over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Most victims are deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor are unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh has devoted his life to providing life changing surgery to the poorest of the poor in Varanasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)
VARANASI, INDIA, 8 SEPTEMBER 2014: Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh operates on burn victim Ragini Kumari, 10, who was badly burnt by a Kerosene fire when she was 2 years old, she is one of over 6 million people burnt in India every year. Ragini has suffered constrictions of her neck and shoulders and lived in a permanently cramped and restricted postion ever since. Her family is deeply impoverished and like millions of India's poor she has been unable to secure the necessary surgery. Renowned plastic surgeon to the poor, Dr Subodh Singh, found Ragini at a burns camp he held in her area and has arranged for her to attend his clinic where he performs free surgery for the poorest of the poor of India. She is seen at her home before surgery and on her journey to his clinic in Varnasi, India. (Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images.)