San Antonio, Texas, 23 August 2006: Marine Corporal Merlin German, 20, is a severe burns patient at Brook Army Medical Centre, Texas. Cpl German sustained 98% burns to his body in an IED attack on his Humvee in Iraq. He is pictured excercising for only the second time in his recovery in the rehabilitation gym at Brook Army Medical centre. It is an extremely painful process for Cpl german to excercise, he will repeatedly tear his healing skin as he attempts to rebuild his mobility. He is an example of the kind of patient that would have been unsaveable 5 years ago. The current wave of conflict around the world has seen huge advances in Medical science and a subsequent survival rate which before would have been unthinkable. Corporal German is seen with his mother Lourdes German and Physical Therapist Jessie Norris. Norris is assisted by Physical Therapy assistant John Inzinna. Brooke Army Medical Centre is one of the most advanced facilities in the world for the healing and rehabilitation of amputees and severe burn victims. Photo by Brent Stirton/ Getty Images for Newsweek.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8 2006: On a painful journey to the Salmon River on a bumpy road, disabled veteran Major Anthony L. Smith, 39, is comforted by his wife Jacqueline Gayden Smith. The couple are part of a group off on a river rafting trip for the next 4 days. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Disabled veteran Major Anthony L. Smith cracks up his wife and friends with a joke while on a river rafting trip in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8 2006: Double amputee veteran of the Afghan conflict, Andrew W. Soule, 25, passes inbetween a group of young boys on a trip to the Salmon River. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: A rest stop on the Main Salmon river in Idaho on a river rafting trip for disabled veterans of the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts.These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Staff Sergeant Damion Jacobs, 30, examines the stump of his amputated leg after the first stretch of a river rafting trip down the Main Salmon river in Idaho. The wound is still healing and the skin has a tendency to blister and abrade. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Ketchum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, a double amputee veteran of the Afghanistan conflict and Erik Schultz, 37, paralysed as result of a skiing accident, take a break in the river while on a river rafting trip on the Main Salmon river in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, was blown out of his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, gets into his inflable kayak at the beginning of the day on a 4 day river rafting trip on the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith,39, and Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, race each other in a burst of exhuberance at the end of the day's rafting on the Main Salmon River. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith paddles through a wall of water using his prosthetic arm to propel the raft throught the water. He is one of three amputee veterans on a river trip down the Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, paddles through rapids as part of a 4 day river rafting trip on the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony Smith, 39, celebrates after a fun swimming race on the Main Salmon river in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Major Smith is now comitted to trying out for the US paraolympic team for 2008. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, uses his hands to make his way back to the boats after viewing Indian cave paintings at a stop along the Main Salmon river. These images focus on an outdoor week with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a Specialist who was blown out of his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Ketchum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Jacqueline Gayden Smith dresses the wounds of her husband Major Anthony Smith at day end on a river-rafting trip down the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith, 39, inspects his wounds after his wife Jacqueline Smith cleaned and applied new bandages at the end of the day on a river-rafting trip. The wound is still open and attempting to heal more than two years after the attack. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, learns to ride a horse as part of a series of choices he made as to which sports sorts he wanted to pursue as part of a week of outdoor activity. The programm is run by an organisation called Higher Ground and is done in conjunction with the Veterans Administration and is free to these wounded and disabled servicemen and women. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, looks across at the horse he will be riding from his elevated chair lift position. He is learning how to ride properly as part of a series of sports choices he made for a week of outdoor activity designed as part of his rehabilitation process. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, learns to ride a horse as part of a series of choices he made as to which sports sorts he wanted to pursue as part of a week of outdoor activity. The programm is run by an organisation called Higher Ground and is done in conjunction with the Veterans Administration and is free to these wounded and disabled servicemen and women. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, takes his horse through a series of training poles in an arena in Sun Valley, Idaho . He is learning how to ride as part of a series of sports choices he made for a week of outdoor activity designed as part of his rehabilitation process. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Newsweek.
San Antonio, Texas, 23 August 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, is a double amputee rehabilitation patient at Brooke Army Medical Centre. Soule is pictured using an adaptive handcycle on a bike route around the military base. The bikes are part of a program run by the San Antonio Park's and Recreation department. Spc Soule is a quiet but positive patient and excels at all of the rehabilitative sports programs he takes part in. He lost his legs to an IED explosion in Afghanistan which blew him out of the vehicle and claimed his legs. Brooke Army Medical Centre is one of the most advanced facilities in the world for the healing and rehabilitation of amputees and severe burn victims. Photo by Brent Stirton/ Getty Images for Newsweek.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO, 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Marine Staff Sergeant Damion Jacobs, 30, an amputee veteran of the Iraq conflict, paraglides over Sun Valley as part of a week of outdoor therapy. These images focus on a week of outdoor pursuit with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.

San Antonio, Texas, 23 August 2006: Marine Corporal Merlin German, 20, is a severe burns patient at Brook Army Medical Centre, Texas. Cpl German sustained 98% burns to his body in an IED attack on his Humvee in Iraq. He is pictured excercising for only the second time in his recovery in the rehabilitation gym at Brook Army Medical centre. It is an extremely painful process for Cpl german to excercise, he will repeatedly tear his healing skin as he attempts to rebuild his mobility. He is an example of the kind of patient that would have been unsaveable 5 years ago. The current wave of conflict around the world has seen huge advances in Medical science and a subsequent survival rate which before would have been unthinkable. Corporal German is seen with his mother Lourdes German and Physical Therapist Jessie Norris. Norris is assisted by Physical Therapy assistant John Inzinna. Brooke Army Medical Centre is one of the most advanced facilities in the world for the healing and rehabilitation of amputees and severe burn victims. Photo by Brent Stirton/ Getty Images for Newsweek.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8 2006: On a painful journey to the Salmon River on a bumpy road, disabled veteran Major Anthony L. Smith, 39, is comforted by his wife Jacqueline Gayden Smith. The couple are part of a group off on a river rafting trip for the next 4 days. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Disabled veteran Major Anthony L. Smith cracks up his wife and friends with a joke while on a river rafting trip in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8 2006: Double amputee veteran of the Afghan conflict, Andrew W. Soule, 25, passes inbetween a group of young boys on a trip to the Salmon River. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: A rest stop on the Main Salmon river in Idaho on a river rafting trip for disabled veterans of the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts.These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Staff Sergeant Damion Jacobs, 30, examines the stump of his amputated leg after the first stretch of a river rafting trip down the Main Salmon river in Idaho. The wound is still healing and the skin has a tendency to blister and abrade. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Ketchum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, a double amputee veteran of the Afghanistan conflict and Erik Schultz, 37, paralysed as result of a skiing accident, take a break in the river while on a river rafting trip on the Main Salmon river in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, was blown out of his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, gets into his inflable kayak at the beginning of the day on a 4 day river rafting trip on the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith,39, and Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, race each other in a burst of exhuberance at the end of the day's rafting on the Main Salmon River. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith paddles through a wall of water using his prosthetic arm to propel the raft throught the water. He is one of three amputee veterans on a river trip down the Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, paddles through rapids as part of a 4 day river rafting trip on the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony Smith, 39, celebrates after a fun swimming race on the Main Salmon river in Idaho. These images focus on a week outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Major Smith is now comitted to trying out for the US paraolympic team for 2008. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, uses his hands to make his way back to the boats after viewing Indian cave paintings at a stop along the Main Salmon river. These images focus on an outdoor week with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a Specialist who was blown out of his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Ketchum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Jacqueline Gayden Smith dresses the wounds of her husband Major Anthony Smith at day end on a river-rafting trip down the Main Salmon River in Idaho. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SALMON RIVER IDAHO - AUGUST 8/14 2006: Major Anthony L. Smith, 39, inspects his wounds after his wife Jacqueline Smith cleaned and applied new bandages at the end of the day on a river-rafting trip. The wound is still open and attempting to heal more than two years after the attack. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Major Anthony Smith,39, was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, learns to ride a horse as part of a series of choices he made as to which sports sorts he wanted to pursue as part of a week of outdoor activity. The programm is run by an organisation called Higher Ground and is done in conjunction with the Veterans Administration and is free to these wounded and disabled servicemen and women. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andew W. Soule, 25, looks across at the horse he will be riding from his elevated chair lift position. He is learning how to ride properly as part of a series of sports choices he made for a week of outdoor activity designed as part of his rehabilitation process. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andy Soule, 25, learns to ride a horse as part of a series of choices he made as to which sports sorts he wanted to pursue as part of a week of outdoor activity. The programm is run by an organisation called Higher Ground and is done in conjunction with the Veterans Administration and is free to these wounded and disabled servicemen and women. These images focus on a week in the life of three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. The three men are Major Anthony Smith,39, an African American man who was severely wounded in the hip in Iraq while on deployment. He is missing an arm, is recovering from 4 bullet wounds and has only partial use of his right leg and hip after being struck by an RPG. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO - 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, takes his horse through a series of training poles in an arena in Sun Valley, Idaho . He is learning how to ride as part of a series of sports choices he made for a week of outdoor activity designed as part of his rehabilitation process. These images focus on a week in the outdoors with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Andy Soule, 25, is a specialist who was blown out os his vehicle by an IED in Afghanistan. Andy is a double above the knee amputee. Photo by Brent Stirton/Getty Images for Newsweek.
San Antonio, Texas, 23 August 2006: Specialist Andrew W. Soule, 25, is a double amputee rehabilitation patient at Brooke Army Medical Centre. Soule is pictured using an adaptive handcycle on a bike route around the military base. The bikes are part of a program run by the San Antonio Park's and Recreation department. Spc Soule is a quiet but positive patient and excels at all of the rehabilitative sports programs he takes part in. He lost his legs to an IED explosion in Afghanistan which blew him out of the vehicle and claimed his legs. Brooke Army Medical Centre is one of the most advanced facilities in the world for the healing and rehabilitation of amputees and severe burn victims. Photo by Brent Stirton/ Getty Images for Newsweek.
SUN VALLEY, IDAHO, 8/14 AUGUST 2006: Marine Staff Sergeant Damion Jacobs, 30, an amputee veteran of the Iraq conflict, paraglides over Sun Valley as part of a week of outdoor therapy. These images focus on a week of outdoor pursuit with three disabled war wounded veterans from the Iraq, Afghanistan conflicts. Damien Jocobs,30, is a Marine Staff Sergeant with a below the knee amputation as a result of an IED explosion in Iraq. Higher Ground is a program run by Sun Valley Adaptive sports in Kethum Idaho. They are an NGO looking to provide a sports based meaningful rehabiliation experience for disabled veterans. The program involved taking the men, all of whom are amputees of sorts, down the Main Salmon River on a 4 day river rafting trip and then offering them the opportunity afterwards to pursue futher sporting intersts such as climbing, parasailing, kayaking and horse-riding. The program also encourages disabled veterans to bring their wives on the program. It is aimed at a healthier and speedier recovery through outdoor recreation.